Girl Code: Dating Advice Edition

(5 min. read) Hey loves! It’s late, and I’m up writing because I cannot go to sleep with this on my mind. I am just going to jump in and say,(insert little blue emolji that’s yelling): IT IS OKAY TO LISTEN TO YOUR FRIENDS WHEN IT COMES TO DATING!...

God’s Clock

( 7 min. read) Happy Wednesday loves! (does orange justice dance! If you don’t know what that looks like, click the link here) I have missed you guys and dolls! For the past two weeks, I have dealt with many situations that involved God’s timing, so I figured that...

What the Bible Says About…Forgiveness

Hi loves! Today’s eye drops will be for those seeking to forgive or be forgiven. I find that the Bible can be overwhelming for some, especially if you are not familiar with the various books. That is why I came up with eye drops. My hope is that it...

Battling Disappointment

( 5 min. read) Hey Loves! Happy Wednesday! Since this is my first “Wednesdays with Nea” post, I figured I would take a brief moment to explain why I chose Wednesday. Well, simply put, Wednesdays are the mid week mark. We all usually need a refresher from church on...

Toxic Addictions

(7 min. read) In my last relationship, I experienced a great deal of hurt and disappointment. Despite that, though, it always seemed like no matter what he did to me, I still loved him, and wanted to be with him. Wanting the traditional family unit had a lot to...

Penny Wars

( 4 min. read) In high school, each year my school would have what we called “penny wars” in order to raise money for various charities. The object of the penny wars were for each grade level to fill 5-gallon plastic water jugs with pennies. The more jugs, the...

Hi! I’m Janea. I am beyond thrilled  that you are visiting my blog! (Omg, my blog! It’s still so surreal to even say!) Before you get started, visit the “About” tab. There, you will find information about me, as well as some history behind the blog. My hope is that through my story, I can change the life of at least one person. Could that person be you?


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